Program Info
The GT DYNAMIC TRADING PROGRAM employs a proprietary trading technique developed by GT Capital's principal in which fundamental factors such as market psychology and technical indicators are combined in an attempt to forecast market direction. The Advisor looks to enter markets which appear to be overbought or oversold and exploit these conditions by taking the appropriate side in the market. In determining which direction of the market to trade, the Advisor uses technical indicators such as Elliot Wave counts, Fibonacci retracements, moving averages, and stochastics to determine appropriate entry and exit levels. For instance, if a market appears to be in a bearish trend, the Advisor waits until all of the program's indicators show the market as being oversold and that a trend reversal is likely to occur before placing an order to go long in the market. In assessing the number of contracts to trade, the Advisor examines the volatility and volume of the market in order to avoid having to liquidate a position prematurely due to temporary price reversals. In a trending market, the program is also designed to take partial profits by exiting portions of positions at pre-determined retracement levels, while leaving
the remainder of the position open to take advantage of a continuation in the trend. GT Capital may also trade accounts using options strategies, including purchasing options to initiate positions or manage risk on open futures positions, selling
uncovered options for the purpose of generating additional income and using both credit and debit spread strategies.
Company Info
GT Capital CTA is a corporation organized on March 23, 2007 under the laws of the State of California and initially formed as a business consulting and administrative services firm. GT Capital CTA has been registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC") as a Commodity Trading Advisor ("CTA") since May 12, 2009, and has been a member of the National Futures Association ("NFA") since that date.
The Advisor is offering Clients an opportunity to participate in managed account programs which seek capital appreciation of Clients' assets through speculative trading in commodity futures and options on commodity futures. There is no representation
being made that these programs will be successful in achieving this goal.
Manager Info
Guerman Teitelbaoum is the sole principal and President of GT Capital CTA. He is responsible for all aspects of the firm's operation, including market research, trading, operation and management. From July 1998 through September 1999, Mr. Teitelbaoum was the chief executive officer of the International
Entrepreneurial Institute, a business consulting and management firm, where he was involved in the development of industrial and aviation projects, storage facilities and marketing. In October 1999, he became the Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and
Director of PowerSource Corporation, a company active in the deregulation of electricity in California and providing consumers more options in choosing electricity providers. After leaving PowerSource Corporation in April 2001, Mr. Teitelbaoum
joined Dighton Group, an investment management company, in May 2001 where he remains employed as a risk manager, trading system developer and back office manager. On August 14, 2008, he became registered as an Associated Person ("AP")
and was approved as Principal of Dighton Capital USA, a registered CTA and Commodity Pool Operator, where he acted as a risk manager and assisted with back office operations such as accounting, updating databases and bill processing. On July
6, 2009, he withdrew his AP registration and Principal listing with Dighton Capital USA, and was approved as a Principal of Dighton Capital CTA Limited, a registered CTA, on July 8, 2009, where he assists in risk management and acts in an
administrative capacity by coordinating with and assisting the company's accountants, attorneys and vendors in performing their services for the company.